For preparing project report the following detail are required
1) |
Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association / Partnership Deed. |
2) | Brief write upon the associates concerns covering narture of business, size of turnover / profit dividend record etc. | |
3) | Location of project and advantages of the location. | |
4) | Product details like technical specification, standard used, use and field of application what are the alternative / substitute / competitive products and advantages over them. | |
5) | Licensed capacity, installed capacity existing and proposed, envisaged capacity utilisation, prevailing capacity utilisation in the industry. Detailed calculation how installed capacity has been derived of. | |
6) | Bio-Data of the promoters in the given format, their Assets and Liabilities Statement in the given format and their I.T., W.T. details including copy of last Assessment Order. In case the promoters is a Limited Company, a brief write up on the activities and past performance. Also wanted Memorandum and Articles and Balance Sheet for the past five years. | |
7) |
List of directors, details of their interest in other concern and their bio-data in the given format. |
8) | In case of any existing concern detail of change in name, business, management etc. | |
9) |
Existing and proposed shareholding in the Company. |
10) | Bio-Data of key personel. No. of workers, staff etc. required and estimate of cost thereof. Organisation chart (Both Existing and Proposed). | |
11) | Note on the R & D activities of the Company. Proposed R & D system. In case of imported technology ow indeginisation will be achived. | |
12) | Details of the technology. In case imported technology is used, the reasons for not using indegeneous technology. Details of alternative technologies and a comparative evaluation of the same. In case collaboration for technoly transfer is involved, details of the collaborator like activities, size and turnover, particulars of existing other projects in india and other projects. Also enclosed Collaboration Agrement and Government Approval. | |
13) | If no collaboration is sought, technical arrangement to be made. Arrangement for training of staff etc. | |
14) | Details of the technical consultant and agreement with them. | |
15) | Particulars in respect of the land acquired / proposed to be acquired. | |
a) | Area and Cost. | |
b) | Copy of Title deed / Lease agreement / Rent agreement etc. | |
c) | Soil test report. | |
d) | water table. | |
e) | Location map. | |
f) | Site plan. | |
g) | Cost of filling / leveling etc. | |
16) | Particulars in respect of building. | |
a) | Type of construction, no. of floors, lenghth, breadth, light etc. estimated cost. | |
b) | Architect's estimate. | |
c) | Architect's bio-data, profile, previous assignments handled etc. | |
d) | Terms with Architect. | |
e) | Plan and sectional elevation of buildings. | |
f) | Equipment lay out or plan of building indicating the flow of material. | |
17) | Particulars in respect of plant & machinery. | |
a) | List of plant & machineries, separately for imported and indigenous, alongwith capacity. In case of unmatched capacity reasons thereof. | |
b) | Source and comparative quotation alongwith reasons for selection. | |
c) | Catalouge / brouchers of machine. Detail of machine supplier in the enclosed format. | |
d) | Maintenance arrangement nd cost thereof. | |
e) | Performance guarantee. | |
18) | Process flow chart & write up. Quantitative details of scap / waste / by-product, if any, generated during such process. Their use and selling price. | |
19) | Details of raw material requirement. Calculation, how derived ? Source of supply and supply position. Cost of raw material supported by current quotation. | |
19A) | Packaging media, mode and cost. | |
20) | a) | Detailed power requirement, Contracted laod, Connected load, maximum demand and peak hour requirement. |
b) | Detailed calculation of power cost calculation. | |
c) | Source of power supply. Copy of letter of sanction for power. | |
d) | Electrical lay out. | |
21) | Detailed in respect of other utilities like water, compressed air, steam etc. | |
a) | Requirement (Give calculation) | |
b) | Availability and source. | |
c) | Capacity and cost. | |
22) | Effluents & disposal details, Pollution clearance. | |
23) | Detail of miscellaneous fixed assets like D.G. Set, Electrical equipments, other utilities equipment, quality control equipment, pollution control equipment, vehicles, furniture & fixture, office equipment. | |
a) | List of such Assets. | |
b) | Sources. | |
c) | Quotations. | |
d) | Cost taken. | |
24) | a) | Project implementation schedule. |
b) | Steps already taken. | |
c) | Cost already incurred. | |
d) | Source of such expenditure. | |
25) | a) | Note on marketing arrangement, proposed customers etc. |
b) | Demand / supply position. | |
c) | Existing manufactures / competitors. | |
d) | Market Survey Report. | |
e) | International price of the proposed product. | |
26) | Approvals / Registration from Governmrnt Authority. | |
a) | SIA / DGTD / Industrial Licence. | |
b) | Capital Goods clearance. | |
c) | Import license. | |
d) | MRTP / FERA clearance. | |
27) | Collateral offered. | |
1) | Name : | |
2) | Father's / Husband's Name : | |
3) | Permanent & Present Address : | |
4) | Date of Birth : | |
5) | Educational Qualification (arranged chronologically) | |
Examination passed Name of the Institution Year of passing Remarks | ||
6) | Training Experience, if any. | |
7) | Service Experience (arranged chronologically) | |
Name & address of the employer Position held Duration of service Salary Drawn | ||
8) | Business Experience (arrangd chronologically) | |
Name & address of the concern Product Status of the Promoter Share % Name & address of the banker to the concern | ||
9) | Present Occupation | |
10) |
Brief family background |
Signature of the applicant |